Ethnic in spirit, our necklaces are designed with pearls and stones brought back from different trips we have made in China, Italy, France and the United States, in the states of Florida, Arizona and California.
Several acquisitions are also made thanks to contacts that we have developed for more than 30 years with African and European collaborators.


“Collecting stones and pearls has been one of my passions for over thirty years. This passion made me travel and discover ancient customs and exceptional techniques. African women’s necklaces and adornments are very inspiring and the immense collection of African art by my companion Raymond Brousseau is always a source of discovery. ”
Lyse Brousseau Founder

Collier du Burkina Faso amulette

Burkina Faso amulet necklace
Unique piece.

Textures et design-Collier chamanique

Congo shamanic necklace bronze and horn.
Unique piece

Textures et Design-Collier en dents de cachalot

Sperm whale teeth, ivory, linen cord, Fiji Islands (Oceania).
Unique piece

Textures et Design-Collier en Cristal

Crystal, ancient agates from Niger.
Unique piece


[email protected]

Galerie Textures & Design
39, rue Saint-Louis, Vieux-Québec,
Québec, Canada, G1R 3Z2
(418) 694-0951